Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter when we prepare ourselves for Easter Sunday. It begins with Ash Wednesday through 6 Sundays leading to Easter Sunday. It is a traditional time to pause, reflect on where we are in our relationship with God. For some, this can involve fasting, praying, reading the Bible, or participating in a group study with friends. For others, it is a time to give up something, to make a small sacrifice in ones life. Perhaps watch less TV, give up chocolates, alcohol, or coffee. Some may even choose to go barefoot.
As we enter the season of Lent (22 Feb – 6 April) the Learning and Discipleship Portfolio has created daily reflection based on the Lectionary for the 40 days of Lent will be prepared by members of Manningham Uniting Church.
This little resource is intended for all ages, for use in family groups, alone, with a partner or with friends. It invites you to stop, say, at meal times, when you get up, when enjoying nature with a cuppa, or perhaps before bed.
We give thanks to those who helped compile and create this resource. Many thanks to Wendy, Greg, Tanya, Alison and Ken.
Mother/Father God, open our eyes and clear our vision as we try to walk in your ways. As we look with greater purpose may we find your love and example in others, and be surprised in the way your grace is revealed to us. Amen
Lord, may we each have the grace to purposefully stop to examine and illuminate our ways and habits and to think clearly about how we can best follow the teachings of Jesus every day. Amen
Lord, may we value the gift of our bodies and minds and care for them as we are able so we can be ready to respond to your leading and do our best to walk with others. Amen
Lord, may we value the gifts of others when we meet them, striving to see them for the persons that they really are, from all walks of life, and not judging by first perceptions. Amen
Protector Lord, thank you for being our compass and constant companion. You light our pathway, especially when it is dark. Help us carry this light wherever we travel, with every step. Amen.
Father God, open our ears to the sound of those still living in poverty because of fire. The need is not always the talk, but to act, to care, to restore life around them. May we actively find time to act and not just talk. Amen
Father God, it is difficult to understand these words like Grace. It is a strange word, difficult to work with. Provide in us an open mind and an enquiring spirit. Amen
Father God, we become anxious for our safety. We don’t like disruptions, or unexpected phone calls. Give us the courage to step out and act on the promises of God. Amen.
Father God, we often feel very comfortable in our own space. Help us to step out of our space in faith and live with discomfort knowing you travel with us. Amen.
Father God, we are so privileged to be blessed to be a blessing to others. Help us to share this blessing and be comfortable with the knowledge that it is a gift from you. Amen.
Father God, we at times struggle to understand and work with boundaries. Even when they are written down, we prefer to exercise our own boundaries at the expense of others. Remind us of our responsibility to care for and support those around us. Amen
Father God, open our eyes and our minds to the tears of creation. Under the beauty of a rainbow, let us see the deep scars of soil erosion. Remind us of our responsibility to till and keep your precious garden. Amen
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6: 21 Bible Reading Matthew 6: 16-21 Prayer Father God, awaken us to the reality of life for those whose only treasure is life itself, as they struggle to live from one day to the next. Amen To Ponder I have often asked myself, what do I treasure. Having been invited to visit a smoking rubbish tip in Manila, the word treasure took on a different meaning for…