Posts by Manningham UC (Page 7)

Posts by Manningham UC (Page 7)

Sankofa #19

Introduction Came back last Sunday morning. Nearly missed our flights. We mistook our flight to leave on Sunday midnight rather than Saturday midnight. We had dinner on Saturday evening at my second sister’s place. For whatever reason my nephew, Sim decided to check our itinerary and realised that our flight was due to leave at midnight. Thari and I quickly packed, showered and left for the airport. Arriving at the airport we weighed our luggage and realised that we had…

Kindess Month – November

World Kindness Week is celebrated around the World from 7 November to the official World Kindness Day on 13 November. Annually, on 13 November, the world joins hands for World Kindness Day, a day highlighting random good deeds and positivity. The idea behind this started with the 20-nation member World Kindness Movement (WKM) which crystallised at a conference in Tokyo in 1997 when the Small Kindness Movement of Japan brought together like-minded kindness movements from around the world. The WKM…

Sankofa #18

SingaporeYes, I am writing this Musing from Singapore. Came back to celebrate my eldest brother 80th birthday. The last few years he has some heath issues. I told my second sister recently that I don’t know which one of us will go first. I am the second youngest in the family of six. I am a realist. 40 Days of Engagement on Anti-racism Not long after I arrived in MUC, I was told that there are racists in the congregation.…

Sankofa #17

Introduction Last Sunday 51 members and friends came together to enjoy an afternoon of singing and listening of ‘favourite’ hymns. It’s another celebration of the International Day of Senior Adults. We are thinking of having a Christmas Carols Fest sometime in early December. I want to thank Ron Gaudion and Tony Wheeler especially, for helping to make Hymn Fest happen. Advent Conspiracy In 2006, three pastors, Chris Seay, Greg Holder, and Rick McKinley, decided to try something different. They called…

Sankofa #16

Introduction I am confident that if we take a survey on the question of ‘What is Worship?’ we will have a myriad of views. Is there a definitive answer to the question, ‘What is worship’? Let’s be honest, our understandings of worship are probably coloured by the denominations we belong to. I understand the Greek word for ‘worship’ is proskyneō and it is translated as ‘to kiss, to lower oneself in humility or reverence, to adore, to surrender completely to another’. Simply…

Seniors at Playgroup

Some of us may have watched the TV show ‘Old People’s Home for 4 year olds’ and now the one with teenagers, and felt moved by the relationships built between the oldies and the youngies. The same is happening in our Playgroups. The ‘senior’ helpers at our 4 Playgroups make our Playgroups very special and unique and the reason why many mums are still coming with their 2nd child after starting in Playgroup with their tiny first babies. Being a…

Parents with a Disability

There are stories waiting to be told, stories of disempowerment, prejudice, preconceived ideas, ableism and judgement. Stories centring around parents who have a disability. Australia has signed and ratified the United Nations Convention[1] that acknowledges there has been serious discrimination against people with disabilities, but then in practice, allows that discrimination against them to continue. As an advocate for parents with disabilities who are engaging with Child Protection, DFFH[2], I have become convinced there must be a better way to…

Minister’s Message

Introduction “Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:32). Celebrated Annually on 1 October, International Day of Older Persons was passed by the United Nations General Assembly on 14 December 1990, which declared 1 October to be the International Day of Older Persons. There are currently around 700 million people over the age of 60. It is predicted that by 2050, this figure will have risen…

Sankofa #14

IntroductionI started writing this musing at 5am this morning. I had a few ‘strong’ reactions to my last Wednesday musing, especially my feelings about the death of Queen Elizabeth. I am not surprised and expected that to happen. As I have stated last Wednesday “I mean no disrespect for the life and memory of Queen Elizabeth II and for the grief of her family.” Everyone has the right to react (or feel) whatever they want about the late Queen. However,…

Sankofa #15

IntroductionLast Sunday, 47 people came together to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons with a lunch. I am glad that we could do that. Let’s not forget that many of our ‘older persons’ are our main contributors to the life of Manningham Uniting Church. Hope you have read my article on Ageism in the latest MUC Magazine. Fear and LoveWhat I am about to muse with you is probably nothing new or extraordinary to some of you. “There are…

Swee Ann conducts Emerging Church

On Sunday, 18 September, on invitation, Rev Swee Ann Koh conducted the MUC monthly  Emerging Church service. A presiding minister has not performed this function in a long time, but Swee Ann said that he relished the task and had an important message to get across. “I want to unravel the word shalom and show it’s connection to the theme Health in Mind, Body, and Spirit,” he said. “I’m sure you realise that body, mind, and spirit are interconnected, that…

Sankofa #13

Introduction I refuse to switch on my TV since the death of Queen Elizabeth II on 8th of September 2022. Our local Australian media has been covering the fact, and its aftermath in church and state, on a 24/7, 7 days per week basis. Truth be told I found it a bit nauseating. I mean no disrespect for the life and memory of Queen Elizabeth II and for the grief of her family.  Now is not the Time I have…

Sankofa #12

You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy. – Jane Kirsten Marczewski Jane Kirsten Marczewski  It would not surprise me if most of you don’t know who Jane Marczewski is. She is best known for being a singer who performed on America’s Got Talent in June 2021, where she got the coveted “Golden Buzzer” from Simon Cowell. She sung her original song, ‘It’s OK.” She is known professionally as Nightbirde. She became internationally known after…

Sankofa #11

Introduction A few weeks ago, I mused about the fact that we are all wounded (traumatised). And I shared the importance of us healing our wounds. I hope I didn’t give the impression that it was easy. It isn’t. Healing is never a definite location but something in process. It is the basic ordinary work of staying engaged with our own wounds and limitations. Healing does not necessarily mean forgiveness. Healing is learning to love the wound because love draws…

Unconscious Bias – Judging others by their accents

Published in Crosslight October 13, 2017 People around the world are hearing more foreign accents than at any time in human history. Are you guilty of judging someone by his or her accent? Snéha Khilay is a specialist in cultural diversity and unconscious bias. She feels this is just another form of unconscious bias and one aspect of equality that often gets overlooked. Accent is one of a number of characteristics, along with skin color, dress, or mannerisms, that identify…

Sankofa #10

“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) This is a most unhelpful verse of all verses in the Bible, for me. I am sure by now you know that I am imperfect. And you know what?  I will never be perfect. Sorry to disappoint some of you. 😊 Truth be told I won’t even try. As far as I am concerned, it’s a futile goal. Over the years I have learned to accept myself for who…

An evening meal with friends

“Where are we going to camp? “came the question over the UHF radio. “Not sure” was my reply.  “Ask Ron” I suggested. We were following the old Ghan railway line heading north on the Oodnadatta Track south of William Creek. We travelled in 4 vehicles, four couples, including our friends Jim and Sandy Hynek from Cedar Rapids Iowa, who we worked with in Zambia. We were headed to Nhulunbuy, a mining town and aboriginal settlement at Yirrkala on the western…

MUC Vision & Mission

A perspective on Manningham Uniting Churches Vision and Values: The Vision of Manningham UC is: Inspired by Godand seeking to emulate the life of Jesuswe will identify and reflect God’s loveby creating, participating in and walking with communities locally, nationally and globally. And the core values are: Christ-centred, Relational, Risk Taking and Hospitable These are new to me, as they will be to others new to the life of our church. One of the ways I learn new things is…

Reflection on our vision and values

A perspective on Manningham Uniting Churches Vision and Values: The Vision of Manningham UC is: Inspired by Godand seeking to emulate the life of Jesuswe will identify and reflect God’s loveby creating, participating in and walking with communities locally, nationally and globally. And the core values are: Christ-centred, Relational, Risk Taking and Hospitable Years ago Alastair and I visited Skellig Michael on the most SW coast of Ireland, site of a monastic settlement dating back to the 6th Century. The…

Sankofa #9

Yes, I am on leave, but I have decided to continue musing with you. Many of you have expressed that you are enjoying my weekly musing. I am glad and honoured. Some of you are aware that I am an early riser –  most days before five unless I am very, very tired, or not well. Matter of fact I do enjoy waking up early. It gives me the opportunity to read, reflect, write, and pray. Traumas Recently I have…