News & Articles (Page 2)

News & Articles (Page 2)

Good times and growth with Family@10

During Lent, Family@10 explored the Ten Commandments, distilled into the two great commandments ‘love God/love others’, ultimately becoming one BIG swirling, whirling commandment to love! To help us with ‘destination love’ over 2 weeks, during our reflection time and with guiding questions, members young and older explored our hopes for Family@10 worship, community and outreach life. As adults discussed and shared their hopes and dreams for worship, community, outreach, mission, growing in faith, support for children, young people and families;…

Music for a Warming World – A Reflection

Preparing to host this musical took many months. Gestation of a wonderful creation always does. A team of committed MUC Social Justice workers and generous volunteers took up the challenge and 113 people of all ages were welcomed to participate in a dynamic event, spear-headed by Simon Kerr and supported by his very able multi-talented musicians on guitar, violin and harp. The stage-presence of performers was both professional and relaxed, one-with-us, yet disarmingly confrontive (even with hints of humor) as…

Family@10 Beach Mission Service

Last Sunday Jess, Tom, Zander, Tabitha, Zara, Jared, Sam, Emily and Janelle from the Lorne SU family mission team came to MUC to lead the service. Together they shared the joy of mission with MUC through songs, stories and their energy. Tom gave the message from Matthew, using the illustration of practicing basketball layups and his volunteer work playing basketball with prisoners, that we need to do repeats and practice as Christians sharing our faith, that mission is important as…

The Challenge

I came across the article by Swee Ann entitled Love is the way – Love God and Love Neighbor.  I found it an interesting read.  One part of the article stood out to me.  It was this comment. “One of my laments for the church is that we are becoming increasingly corporate.  In the process, we lose our soul.”  I guess I am uncomfortable with the statement.  But why? I asked myself.  There was a time in my life when…

Easter Services – recap

Maundy Thursday Sally led a Taize style service in the Chapel attended by about 30 people. The service was a lovely quiet meditative service of readings and reflection as a lead in to Easter. Sally led the á capella singing of Taize chants with the congregation enthusiastically joining in. Directions for Using a Towel To be used for:Drying dishes.Wiping eyes.Mopping spilled milk.Coping with sighs.Cleaning stains.Creating scandal.Holding on when it’s too hot to handle. Washing feet.Softening jars.Binding wounds in a world…

Spectrum – March Recap

At our Spectrum meeting on 5 March we had an excellent attendance to hear Bruce Sullivan talk about the ‘Happy Home Children’s Home’ situated in Nepal. Bruce loves to travel the world, often to very remote parts of our globe, to pursue his interest in trekking and at the same time he uses the opportunity to improve the lot of those with whom he meets. He was indeed an enthusiastic speaker and the interest he takes in the people who…

Emerging Church – March Recap

At Emerging Church on Sunday,17 March, Tony and Zoe elected to tackle the question of how to love your enemies as part of our overall theme of Love God, Love your Neighbour. They said that for most people, including themselves, loving your enemy was extremely hard to do. In fact, it requires a change of mind. Tony set the scene by showing a trailer of the BBC series Earth, alerting us to the fact that mankind had been around for…

Catch Your Breath – A neurodiverse ‘Friendship Group’

Manningham Uniting Church is preparing to launch a new ministry in the form of a Friendship Group for neurodiverse young people aged 12-16, called Catching Your Breath.  The phrase catch your breath commonly refers to the act of slowing down to enable you to breath normally after a period of intense physical exertion.  Likewise, we live in a fast-paced world, bombarded by stimulation and mental challenges that can leave us emotionally breathless, especially for those who live with anxiety and…

Letting it go

Introduction My eldest brother and my second brother were in the timber business together more than 50 years ago in Singapore. They used to import logs into Singapore from neighbouring countries. Unfortunately, the business went pear-shaped. My second brother blames my eldest brother till today. He has not learned to let go of the past. Because of that, there’s no possibility of reconciliation and new life. I feel sad and angry for both of them. Let it Go I like…

Easter Labyrinth

This Easter the L&D Portfolio (Learning and Discipleship) also created a Labyrinth in the Auditorium for anyone to journey on. The Labyrinth goes back to Greek mythology and was frequently used as a Spiritual practice and aid to meditation. This is the purpose of our Labyrinth during Holy Week. Some have been grown as part of a garden, but many simpler ones, like ours, are used indoors. This one is several years old and was painted by a group from…

Doubting (Daring) Thomas

Yesterday at Family@10 we explored the story of Doubting Thomas with an alternate name being posed for him as ‘Doubting Daring Thomas’. With a collection of stations on offer, we were able to engage further by looking at the story through poetry, craft, beads and wordfinds!

Church in a real café? On Saturday?

Along with Joan and Gloria, (members of the original team who started Cafe Church) I say we are pretty involved with our Café Church and pretty proud of what we have achieved. The manager and staff at the Living Room welcome us and we cater to those who enjoy this type of worship. It works for them and it works for us. The team decided it would be great if we could start having communion before each session. We felt…

Manningham UC’s 12th Anniversary

On Sunday February 24th, Manningham Uniting Church celebrated it’s 12th Annviersary. While the Uniting Church in Australia has been around for decades, we’re celebrating that Manningham Uniting Church has turned 12! We celebrated with delicious cake for morning tea after the worship service. We were also asked to add a leaf to the tree with our name and all the churches that we have been connected to. On 19 February 2012, the church communities of Doncaster Uniting Church, Wesley Doncaster…

Exploring Love is the way

I’d like to explore Love is the Way with reference to the reading from Mark with Jesus calling of the 4 fishermen. Let’s imagine Jesus bare footed at the water’s edge on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus saw the hard working feet and hard working hands of 4 fishermen – Simon, Andrew, James and John. How did Jesus know those calloused rough fishermen’s feet, would carry the type of man Jesus wanted as part of his inner circle? These salt…

Social Justice Action Group

During 2019 the SJAG will be providing regular articles to help us understand the importance of Social Justice and how we intend to take action on our behalf. This month the article will focus on the broad issue of ‘What is Social Justice’, that will provide the context for more specific discussions in later months. What is Social Justice? The term ‘Social Justice’ was first coined in the 19th century but the idea of social justice has a very long…

What is Love? you ask

What is Love? you ask. Hmm! Not sure about that. I had been in Swan Hill visiting my mother. It was Easter Sunday; we went to church with Mum. After church, Ock, Mums cousin wandered over. A tall man, dressed in an old suit, the tie an ornament on his shirt. Softly spoken, his eyes clear, focused. A farmer, who had purchased my grandfather’s farm next door to his father’s, now his farm in the Mallee, 25 kilometers west of…

Unexpected Gift of Love

Something very special happened to me at Christmas. I came home one afternoon around 4pm and there on my doorstep was a takeaway food container neatly wrapped in Christmas paper. I was very good and popped the parcel near the tree to wait for Santa to deliver it at the appropriate time. I admired and read the accompanying card and hung it on my card tree writing the giver’s name on the still attached envelope. Somehow or other the envelope…

Love is the Way – Love God & Love Neighbour

German theologian Karl Rahner has an arresting quote: “The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.” Considered to be one of the most influential Catholic theologians of the Twentieth Century, this German Jesuit priest has words that invite us, indeed challenge us to explore, as we focus on this year’s theme; ‘The Way of Love’. Wrestling with the notion of what and who is a mystic may be a place to start…

Book of the Month – Love is the Way

As the descendant of slaves and the son of a civil rights activist, Bishop Michael Curry’s life illustrates massive changes in our times. Much of the world met Bishop Curry when he delivered his sermon on the redemptive power of love at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle. Here, he expands on his message of hope in an inspirational road map for living the way of love, illuminated with moving lessons from his own…

Minister’s Message – Love is the Way Love God & Love Neighbour

IntroductionBy the time you read this, one month of 2024 has become history. Hope you had a good ‘break’ in January. I have enjoyed reflecting on the Book of Ruth during Januray with those who worshipped with us. It’s our Second Summer Series. Last year we focused on Micah 6:8: ‘He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness.’ MUC Theme 2024As mentioned in…