Spectrum – March Recap

Spectrum – March Recap

At our Spectrum meeting on 5 March we had an excellent attendance to hear Bruce Sullivan talk about the ‘Happy Home Children’s Home’ situated in Nepal.

Bruce loves to travel the world, often to very remote parts of our globe, to pursue his interest in trekking and at the same time he uses the opportunity to improve the lot of those with whom he meets.

He was indeed an enthusiastic speaker and the interest he takes in the people who cross his path was very obvious by the detail he was able to give regarding them, their names, hopes and dreams, educational status and eventual employment attained. Quite often this employment has been greatly enhanced by the financial and practical support that Bruce and his friends have been able to give. We saw the huge boxes of gifts, that he personally takes with him to Nepal each Christmas, which contain personal gifts for the kids, clothing, sporting, and educational equipment plus donated money with which he personally is able to go out and purchase food stores, school uniforms, shoes and general clothing for the children and their carers. He personally has supported many of the young folk he meets with donations  that has paid their University fees for twelve month stints until they graduate and find employment.

Two of our members who belong to knitting groups both within and outside the church left the meeting inspired to rally their members to knit some scarves and beanies for Bruce to take with him when he travels to Nepal this coming Christmas season.

Spectrum members hinted that towards the end of the year when we are deciding where to put our money the Happy Home may well be a recipient. The Happy Home provides shelter for the children until they attain adult status and make their own way in  the world. It also educates them until year 8 when they are still given a home but must go to feeder schools to complete the remainder of their senior schooling years. The children themselves vary in their origins – some are orphans, either dropped at the door or found abandoned in the streets, whilst others are brought by parents because they can neither afford to feed or educate them. S some others who live too remotely to be educated come and live there for the term and return home for holidays. The kids love all sorts of sport, but the favourite by far is soccer and Bruce has managed to provide proper goal nets and balls instead of the sticks they used previously.  He says they are very skilled and are usually victorious in competition.

On 7 May we will hear from Tricia McCrae who will tell us a little about herself and her early religious travels which has sculpted her empathetic non- judgemental attitude to others and their life journey. Remember,  for that meeting it is 1.30pm.