Posts by Manningham UC (Page 9)

Posts by Manningham UC (Page 9)

Sankofa #3

Glad that the Synod 2022 is over. This will be my last Synod. I won’t be going to the next one in 18-months’ time. I wonder how many of you can tell me our vision. As you know the Church Councilhas been reviewing our governance, polity, and structure. Recently I decided to takea closer look at our vision: “Inspired by God and seeking to emulate the life ofJesus we will identify and reflect God’s love by creating, participating in and…

Sankofa #2

Thank you for the positive feedback for my first Wednesday musing. Some of you like the word, Sankofa. Last Saturday and Sunday there were two significant events in the life of MUC: Community Mural Opening (26 June) and the Final Service in the Woodhouse Grove building (27 June). I know that Emma, my colleague provided inspirational leadership (with contributions from her team) for the Mural Opening event. By the time you read this second musing, some of you might have…

Mural Opening Speech

How exciting it is to be here, in celebration of this wonderful and powerful community public artwork. I wish to acknowledge and thank the funders of this project, the Uniting Church Asset Strategy Program, the Manningham City Council Community Grants Program and the Kirk Robson Theology and Arts Memorial Fund. I especially thank Peter and Natalie Robson for being here today it is an honour to host you and we hope we have honoured Kirk’s memory through this project. There…

Final Worship in the Hall at Woodhouse Grove

Around 60 people including friends and family and ex- members of The Grove and members of wider MUC gathered on 26 June to celebrate the 166 years of worship at The Grove and to mark the closure of worship at this site. The service was led by Rev Swee Ann Koh with an inspiring reflection given by Rev Fred Webber.

Sankofa #1

What isSankofa: Wednesday Musings with Swee Ann?In my previous three congregations we had a weekly pew-sheet where I had the opportunity to write something weekly. It was a good way to share stories, concerns, observations, and news. It was a good way also for me to keep in touch with the members and friends. After speaking with a few members who affirmed it’s a good idea, I have decided to write a weekly musing. You will receive this through your…

A Meal with jesus

Today we commenced looking at A Meal with Jesus (by Tim Chester) – part 1 in a 6 week study. In worship and the study following the service (which included a fantastic lunch) we looked at setting the table, grace and what is looks like to be invitational. Click here to read the reflection prepared by Rev Swee Ann Koh

The Community Mural project

The Mural team is excited to report that, following our consultation workshops with Katherine Gailer our artist, she has submitted her concept drawings for the four murals. Representatives from most of the groups, as well as the Mural team were present when she presented her drawings. We were all delighted with Katherine’s dramatic, colourful – sometimes confronting and emotional drawings. A few tweaks were suggested and incorporated by Katherine. Now it’s up to the painting! Follow the progress of the…

Farewell Megan

A special lunch was held to celebrate Megan’s contribution to our Ministry Team in her position as Seniors Ministry Coordinator over many years. The lunch is to say “thank you”, not “farewell”, as no doubt Megan will continue to be amongst us as her friendly, caring self and so will continue to contribute to our church in non-official ways. Megan, your influence on our faith and faithfulness will not leave with your departure.

Maundy Thursday Service – Feet Washing

As the idea of such passion week celebrations spread to other areas, various local rites and customs were incorporated into the Maundy Thursday celebration. Doubtless the best-known of these customs is foot washing, an old monastic exercise inspired by Christ’s example in the upper room and associated with the “new commandment” of love recorded in John 14 (hence the familiar name Maundy Thursday, “maundy” being an English corruption, via French, of the Latin  mandatum: “commandment”).

“Do Not Be Afraid” – Minister’s Message

“But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.” (Matthew 28:5,6) By the time you read these words from me, Easter is round the corner (Sunday, 17 April 2022). I asked myself, “What can I say to you before we celebrate Easter?” It’s been said that this world is a…

Ukraine Crises Reflection

The world is horrified and sickened at the atrocities unfolding in the Ukraine. Every day the tragedy of stories and media visuals confront us, as millions of Ukrainians, mostly women and children leave their homeland and trudge through bitter ice and snow to seek refuge in foreign countries. Pushing prams, clinging to bags of meagre possessions they walk and often perish for want of food, water and warm clothing or simply of exhaustion. In besieged Ukrainian cities death is everywhere.…

The beginnings of a Mural…

Over the past week there have been a series of Mural workshops lead by the amazing Katherine Gailer – the community artist who has been engaged to complete the mural in the processional driveway. Four workshops were held – looking at Asylum Seekers, Social Justice & Equity, Sustainability & the environment, and intergenerational. Katherine will take all the bits and pieces from all the workshops and create 4 murals to depict each theme. For the intergenerational workshop the task was…

Recapping Playgroups for term 1

We’ve had a fabulous 10 week 1st term but it’s now the end of term 1 and there will be 2 weeks holiday from Playgroup. From 2 playgroups at the start of the year we now have 3 Playgroups and 2 Babies Playgroups.   We have had fun on Tuesdays and Wednesdays this term exploring all the colours of the rainbow with a special fun session the last week of term with the parachute and bubbles and lots of fun rainbow…

Catch Your Breath – A neurodiverse ‘Friendship Group’

Manningham Uniting Church is preparing to launch a new ministry in the form of a Friendship Group for neurodiverse young people aged 12-16, called Catching Your Breath.  The phrase catch your breath commonly refers to the act of slowing down to enable you to breath normally after a period of intense physical exertion.  Likewise, we live in a fast-paced world, bombarded by stimulation and mental challenges that can leave us emotionally breathless, especially for those who live with anxiety and…

Historic Church’s 125th Anniversary

Last Sunday we gathered around and celebrated the 125th Anniversary of the historic church. There were lots of shared stories of it’s history – some well known and some not so known. Finished off with a tour and a BBQ luncheon.

A Unexpected Dinner Guest

The phone rang.  It was Helena Roces, our land lady from the 28th floor. We rented a one-bedroom unit from her in the same condominium in Wack Wack, a suburb in Mandaluyong in greater Manila.   Joan and I had been in the Philippines for 18 months. Helena had become a very special friend to us both.  It was 2001. “Come up for dinner on Sunday. I have some friends coming around. There will be 8 or 10 people there. Come…

World Day of Prayer Services held 4 March 2022

We would like to thank the many folk from MUC who once again attended either or both of the World Day of Prayer services this year; and also to acknowledge our Doncaster West committee which includes representatives from St Clement of Rome Catholic Church Bulleen, St Kevin’s Catholic Church Lower Templestowe, Pathway Baptist Church Bulleen, St Marks and St Timothy’s Combined Anglican Church Lower Templestowe, MUC  and our host church this year St Bishoy and St Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Church…

Finally… Swee Ann Gets inducted

After 14 months, Rev Swee Ann finally gets the induction service into Manningham Uniting Church. During the last 14mths, there has been many attempts to welcome him into the congregation, but as a result of COVID and lockdowns the service has been postponed. What is an induction? A formal welcome and acceptance of a Minister in which the congregation and Minister agree to grow and develop together to a community of faith.

Join us in creating a powerful community mural

Are you passionate about or identify as part of Social Justice & Equity, Sustainability & the Environment or Refugees & Asylum Seekers? Do you live, work or play in Manningham? We’d love you to join one of the community engagement design workshops lead by multi award winning artist Katherine Gailer. Three different themes are being explored: What to expect in the workshops? Workshops consist of a series of exercises that allow participants to explore their individual voice and ideas, followed…