Worship Reflections on Isaiah

Worship Reflections on Isaiah

2 June 2024

Manningham Uniting Church    Fellowship@10 Holy Communion 02. 06. 2024: Second Sunday after Pentecost Theme:                                 Listening to God’s Call  Text:                          1 Samuel 3:1-10 and Mark 2:23-3:6. Introduction ‘In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.’ (1 Samuel 3, 1b) These words begin the story of the calling of Samuel. Are you a good listener? Do you know there is a big difference between hearing and listening?  Hearing means that the sound waves go into your ear, make the eardrum vibrate, nerves in the snail-shaped structure are stimulated…

26 May 2024 Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday                    26 May 2024                       Rev Dr Con Apokis Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8, John 3:1-17 lntroducing the Theme Quote: Spanish proverb “Jealousy is thin because it bites but never eats”. I fear that I am about to annoy some of you – I not only love the Christian Trinitarian tradition and outlook – I believe in the God of Jesus through it. Quote: Anonymous – as we continue with you this will be one of my go to themes – “If you think you are leading but…