Posts by Manningham UC (Page 6)

Posts by Manningham UC (Page 6)

Monday 12 December

Father God, as we gather with family, may we be more aware of those who have no close family Encourage us to reach out to the lonely. A phone call, a coffee, an invitation to share with another, to be a voice for the lonely

Sunday 11 December

Father God, sit with us as we reflect on times and places in the past. Let us remember with fondness those moments of joy and those with sadness Encourage us to share with others the joy of Mary’s Song in the form of one called Jesus

Saturday 10 December

Lord, please guide us this Christmas and beyond to be faithful in offering your gifts of upholding, healing, compassion, time and loving to those we know and those we are yet to know

Friday 9 December

Thank you for the example of Ruth in following her heart with integrity and returning with Naomi to know God May our journeys with God and our examples to others reflect that same dedication as we navigate the ups and downs of life

Thursday 8 December

God’s love is a gift, a gift we are called on to experience and share May this be our gift to others this Christmas

Wednesday 7 December

Open our hearts and guard our words this Advent season May our words and actions be free and generous gifts that reveal God’s love and care for every person

Tuesday 6 December

Thank you for your mercy and your willingness to uphold us when we falter, when we rely just on ourselves May we take the time to stop, trust, give thanks, be humble to your will, and to do our best

Monday 5 December

Lord, thank you for the path and examples for living you have provided Please guide our feet and our hearts as we aim to walk openly in your footsteps day by day, especially in this Advent period

Sunday 4 December

Open our eyes Lord Help us to find your presence in others in our diverse world May we offer your love and welcome freely with generosity and warmth

Saturday 3 December

God, we are ready We anticipate the advent of your love and example coming to us through Jesus this 2022 Christmas May we stop, worship, feel your presence, and share that love and that presence with others

Friday 2 December

Lord thank you for loving us Thank you for being gracious about our mistakes May we learn to keep your messages, guidance, and the examples of Jesus before us, guiding our actions every day

Thursday 1 December

God, thank you for the example and expectations we find in the life of Jesus Help us daily to try to walk in his ways and to find your love and his example in unexpected places May justice and mercy be our daily goal

Tuesday 29 November

Lord we are blessed by your mercy Help us to remember your promise and your covenant May we offer rainbow connections and caring to others

Sunday 27 November

God, we are ready Open our hearts to anticipate your coming and your return May we slow down this Christmas period and wait on you


We will start with a thoughtful reflection on the Advent Conspiracy theme from our Church Council Chair, Chris. Thank you Chris. Advent focuses on our preparation for celebrating the birth of Jesus, the gift of God to humankind. The gift has a deep and often life-long personal impact on those who receive and accept it, and who strive to live by the example of Jesus. In our everyday world, the concept of gifts at Christmas is also prominent but with…

Sankofa #21

Structures, Governance, and Polity  Last Saturday members of the Church Council met to continue to review our structures, governance, and polity of Manningham Uniting Church. Rev Duncan Macleod facilitated the workshop. Recently General Secretary Mark Lawrence announced that Duncan will take on the role of Executive Officer of eLM in February as the permanent replacement for Jenny Byrnes, who retired earlier this year. I believe Duncan did a good job in facilitating last Saturday. We haven’t reached a consensus yet.…

Sankofa #20

Introduction It is worth noting that in the first century, it was common phenomenon for a spiritual leader to have disciples. John the Baptist had disciples (Matt. 9:14); and Pharisees had disciples (Matt. 22:16). Jesus himself had many disciples other than the renowned twelve (Matt. 10:1; (Lk. 22:11). Jesus called his disciples to a new and different life. The new life called for a paradigm shift in their thinking, affections, actions, reactions, worldview, and perspectives. Disciple, learner, follower– these words…