Posts by Manningham UC (Page 2)

Posts by Manningham UC (Page 2)

Easter Labyrinth

This Easter the L&D Portfolio (Learning and Discipleship) also created a Labyrinth in the Auditorium for anyone to journey on. The Labyrinth goes back to Greek mythology and was frequently used as a Spiritual practice and aid to meditation. This is the purpose of our Labyrinth during Holy Week. Some have been grown as part of a garden, but many simpler ones, like ours, are used indoors. This one is several years old and was painted by a group from…

Doubting (Daring) Thomas

Yesterday at Family@10 we explored the story of Doubting Thomas with an alternate name being posed for him as ‘Doubting Daring Thomas’. With a collection of stations on offer, we were able to engage further by looking at the story through poetry, craft, beads and wordfinds!

Manningham UC’s 12th Anniversary

On Sunday February 24th, Manningham Uniting Church celebrated it’s 12th Annviersary. While the Uniting Church in Australia has been around for decades, we’re celebrating that Manningham Uniting Church has turned 12! We celebrated with delicious cake for morning tea after the worship service. We were also asked to add a leaf to the tree with our name and all the churches that we have been connected to. On 19 February 2012, the church communities of Doncaster Uniting Church, Wesley Doncaster…

Exploring Love is the way

I’d like to explore Love is the Way with reference to the reading from Mark with Jesus calling of the 4 fishermen. Let’s imagine Jesus bare footed at the water’s edge on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus saw the hard working feet and hard working hands of 4 fishermen – Simon, Andrew, James and John. How did Jesus know those calloused rough fishermen’s feet, would carry the type of man Jesus wanted as part of his inner circle? These salt…

What is Love? you ask

What is Love? you ask. Hmm! Not sure about that. I had been in Swan Hill visiting my mother. It was Easter Sunday; we went to church with Mum. After church, Ock, Mums cousin wandered over. A tall man, dressed in an old suit, the tie an ornament on his shirt. Softly spoken, his eyes clear, focused. A farmer, who had purchased my grandfather’s farm next door to his father’s, now his farm in the Mallee, 25 kilometers west of…

Unexpected Gift of Love

Something very special happened to me at Christmas. I came home one afternoon around 4pm and there on my doorstep was a takeaway food container neatly wrapped in Christmas paper. I was very good and popped the parcel near the tree to wait for Santa to deliver it at the appropriate time. I admired and read the accompanying card and hung it on my card tree writing the giver’s name on the still attached envelope. Somehow or other the envelope…

Love is the Way – Love God & Love Neighbour

German theologian Karl Rahner has an arresting quote: “The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.” Considered to be one of the most influential Catholic theologians of the Twentieth Century, this German Jesuit priest has words that invite us, indeed challenge us to explore, as we focus on this year’s theme; ‘The Way of Love’. Wrestling with the notion of what and who is a mystic may be a place to start…

Book of the Month – Love is the Way

As the descendant of slaves and the son of a civil rights activist, Bishop Michael Curry’s life illustrates massive changes in our times. Much of the world met Bishop Curry when he delivered his sermon on the redemptive power of love at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle. Here, he expands on his message of hope in an inspirational road map for living the way of love, illuminated with moving lessons from his own…

Minister’s Message – Love is the Way Love God & Love Neighbour

IntroductionBy the time you read this, one month of 2024 has become history. Hope you had a good ‘break’ in January. I have enjoyed reflecting on the Book of Ruth during Januray with those who worshipped with us. It’s our Second Summer Series. Last year we focused on Micah 6:8: ‘He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness.’ MUC Theme 2024As mentioned in…

Together@10 – Acknowledgement of Leaders and Volunteers

At the Together@10 service on the 4 February 2024, the whole chuch community gathered together to honour and celebrate the offerings of all the leaders and volunteers with the community. The service showed the depth and breadth of those who support Manningham Uniting Church. We honoured all who offer their time and skills.

Sankofa – 31 December 2024

IntroductionOver my many years in the ministry, occasionally I have been told, “That’s politics. It’s not faith.” Or “You are being political. Stay with the Bible.”  Frankly, I don’t know what that means, “Stay with the Bible.” I believe the Bible is a very political book. Yes, I am political. Yes, I am interested in politics. But I tried my utmost not to be party-political. What that means is I don’t champion a particular political party. I tried my best to…

Stationery Drive 2024

We are supporting our ongoing relationship with Doncaster Secondary students with a Stationery Drive. Your offerings of the following will support the students start their 2024 school year off on the right foot: Donate anytime throughout February at the Manningham Uniting Church office, or drop your donation into the tub in the foyer See below for a non-exhaustive list of options – feel free to purchase from where ever is convenient. Blue Biros For example: Grey…

Day of Mourning

We gathered as a church community yesterday at Westerfolds Park to reflect on the Uniting Church’s Day of Mourning. Many thanks to those that arranged, organised and provided resources for the service that offered us a moment to reflect on the effects of invasion, colonisation and racism on First Peoples.

Christmas Giving Tree

Manningham Uniting Church (MUC) is supporting the CareNet Giving Tree and the work of LinC Manningham and would like to invite you to also support these projects by providing a gift for a child between the ages of 0-18yrs. This will help bring relief to families and care givers around the community. Please return your unwrapped gift to the Christmas tree in the foyer at Manningham Uniting Church & Community Centre, 109 Wood St, Templewstowe Some gift suggestions to offer…

MUC Presents… Steph McCorkelle Band

Those that attended the latest MUC Presents were treated to an amazing afternoon of Jazz and entertainment by the Steph McCorkelle Band. Comprising of Greg Smith on saxophone, Dan McIlvride on trombone, Cam McAllister on the trumpet and flugelhorn, Erica Wright on piano, Hayden Murtagh on acoustic bass and Bruce McIntyre on drums all being led by Steph McCorkelle. Around 90 people tapped their toes and clapped all afternoon and ended the day with a scrumptious afternoon tea. Profits raised…

Mean what you do, do what you mean

An interactive Sunday morning service looking at Exodus 17:1-7 and Matthew 21:21-35. Led by Nate onsite, and Con remotely via zoom we were taken on a journey of meaning what we do, and doing what we mean. We worked through the importance of this theme through an introductory activity exploring what it is like to experience what we thought we would do, but when it came to implementing it wasn’t what we said we would do. What we wanted to…

Mangoes Fundraiser – 2023

Fresh juicy Bowen Special Mangoes (which are more formally known as Kensington Pride Mangoes) are back on again. The profit each box goes to support asylum seekers and refugees in Australia and EARS Inc which brings help to the hearing impaired people in the Developing World. In addition, 100% of the booking fee profits from this sale goes towards the children education/healthcare charities associated with Humanitix (our booking platform) –, & So the bottom line: approx 4.5Kg…

MUCKY Kitchen – Welcoming

Over the weekend, Family@10 looked at the theme of Welcoming through the looking at the reading from Matthew 10:40-42. Watch MUCKY Kitchen as they prepare to welcome a new guest.

Welcome Sally and Con!

We are delighted that Rev Sally and Rev Dr Con Apokis, both of whom have already led some worship services, are coming to join us for the next few months to assist our exhausted minister! Although they will be leading both worship services, Sally’s main focus will be on Children Youth and Families and Con’s on the Seniors Ministry. Both have extensive experience in various fields of church ministry. Sally’s background is as a teacher, deacon, and educational chaplain. Con…