Worship Reflections from May 2024

Worship Reflections from May 2024

2 June 2024

Manningham Uniting Church    Fellowship@10 Holy Communion 02. 06. 2024: Second Sunday after Pentecost Theme:                                 Listening to God’s Call  Text:                          1 Samuel 3:1-10 and Mark 2:23-3:6. Introduction ‘In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.’ (1 Samuel 3, 1b) These words begin the story of the calling of Samuel. Are you a good listener? Do you know there is a big difference between hearing and listening?  Hearing means that the sound waves go into your ear, make the eardrum vibrate, nerves in the snail-shaped structure are stimulated…

26 May 2024 Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday                    26 May 2024                       Rev Dr Con Apokis Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8, John 3:1-17 lntroducing the Theme Quote: Spanish proverb “Jealousy is thin because it bites but never eats”. I fear that I am about to annoy some of you – I not only love the Christian Trinitarian tradition and outlook – I believe in the God of Jesus through it. Quote: Anonymous – as we continue with you this will be one of my go to themes – “If you think you are leading but…

19 May Pentecost

Manningham Uniting Church Together@10 19th May 2024: Pentecost Theme:         The flames have died down        Text:              Acts 2:1-11 Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. On this birthday of the church, we would do well to remember the stories our ancestors wove together about what it was like back in the beginning. We are told they were huddled together in fear. Afraid to go outside, in case the authorities might spot them. Tormented by their grief. Afraid the dream might be over. Some of them…

5 May 2024

Manningham Uniting Church  Fellowship@10 5th May 2024: Easter 6Theme:          Love, love, love       Text:               John 15:9-17 Introduction What are the top five languages spoken in the world? Chinese — 1.3 billion Native SpeakersSpanish —  486 Million Native SpeakersEnglish —   380 Million Native SpeakersArabic —     362 Million Native SpeakersHindi —       345 Million Native Speakers Next question. How many words for Love are there in Greek? The answer is eight.  In English, we use “love” in many ways. We “love” our partner, we “love” the Spring weather, we “love” our friends”…