Regular Services:
- Family@10 – 10am at 109 Wood St, Templestowe
- Fellowship@10 – 10am at 109 Wood St, Templestowe
- Kids church – 10am at 109 Wood St, Templestowe (integrated within Family@10 service)
- Together@10 – 10am every 5th Sunday of the month at 109 Wood St, Templestowe
- Emerging Church – 5pm every third Sunday of each month followed by a shared meal.
- Cafe Church – 10 am first Saturday of the month at 109 Wood St, Templestowe
For those unable to join at this time, the reflection will be available here the following day, in additional to the written reflection:
Family@10 (Worship)
Family@10 is a modern worship service which is informal and relaxed, singing contemporary songs accompanied by a band. Worship teams led by a minister plan and lead the worship. Sometimes there are discussions. This service takes place in The Auditorium. There are a number of families attending and there is a program for children, Kids Church, which runs alongside the worship. This service also takes place each Sunday at 10.00am. Holy Communion is held monthly generally on the fourth Sunday…
Fellowship@10 (worship)
This worship service is a relaxed traditional style service led by one of our ministers assisted by lay participants. The music emphasis is on traditional hymns accompanied by the organ but also includes more modern hymns and contemporary songs. A choir practises at 9.15am prior to the service and often contributes to the worship. This service takes place at 10am each Sunday in The Chapel. Holy Communion is held monthly generally on the first Sunday of each month.
KidsChurch (worship)
KidsChurch focuses on developing young people into faithful and community minded adults. During the Family@10 service they meet together to play games, make crafts, sing songs and explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Young people begin worship with their families at 10am and then leave the auditorium part way through the service. They then rejoin the adults for shared morning tea and community time at the conclusion of the service. The young people are grouped according…
Café Church (Worship)
We worship together with a discussion on all aspects of daily living and current issues (not necessarily religious ones). Occasionally the topics are challenging which promotes lively and thoughtful conversation. Hospitality is about seeing Jesus in ordinary people. Others in the group are all encouraged to lead the discussion if they wish. All are welcome any time to drop in. What is Café Church – find out more here Contact Sharon on 03 9846 2012;
Emerging Church (Worship)
Emerging Church is an opportunity for followers of Jesus to explore our relationship with the Mystery that is God – the God that inspired Jesus’ life and teachings. Another term used for our approach is Progressive Christianity. But, we prefer Emerging as it describes an evolution to different ways of experiencing God. This worship time differs from the other service formats offered at Manningham Uniting Church and Community Centre and many other Christian services. Through a variety of music genres…