2024 Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

2024 Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

About 80 people from Manningham Uniting Church (MUC) and beyond attended ‘Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea’ in the MUC Auditorium on Wednesday 22nd May. Many community groups run events such as these each year to raise funds to support the work of the Cancer Council of Victoria, an organisation involved in cancer research, prevention, and support for those living with cancer.

This is the third year that MUC has run this event, and those attending were treated to a great time of fellowship and discussion, encouraged by a wide range of savoury and sweet delicacies and endless cups of tea or coffee.

The Cancer Council encourages organisers to make the event personal and this year we were privileged to listen to the cancer journeys of three people from our congregation – Colin, Trish and Wendy. Each shared their personal experiences of cancer diagnosis and treatment, and all spoke glowingly of the support they received from professionals, family and church members while facing its challenge. Each also acknowledged that while the outcome for them had been positive, for many the journey is more traumatic and less positive.

The personal stories emphasised the importance of continued support for research to seek improved cancer treatments, and for vigilance from each of us individually in seeking professional assistance whenever we may consider it wise to do so.

The event raised $2,238.65 for the Cancer Council, as well as providing a wonderful time of enjoyment and fellowship for those attending. Thanks to all those involved in catering for the event, managing registrations, setting up beforehand and cleaning up afterwards, and particularly to Helen for leading the organisation of the entire event.