2024 World Knitting Day

2024 World Knitting Day

A lovely afternoon was had Saturday when the 2024 World Knitting Day event was held here at Manningham Uniting Chuch & Community Centre.

Around 30 people joined in the knitting event to celebrate the art of knitting (and crocheting!).

A presentation from Fiona, who was representing the Burnett Institute, outlined the Pacific SMILE Project which is to provide quality midwifery education to Pacific countries through innovative clinical stimulation. The knitting group through Manningham Uniting Church have been knitting breasts, placentas and uteri to assist in this program.

Over $400 was raised from the sale of knitted items and these funds will be donated with proceeds to the EACH  Refugee Health Clinic, Ringwood.

If you are looking for your next knitting project, feel free to download the following patterns and deliver your finished items to Manningham Uniting Church & Community Centre, 109 Wood St, Templestowe