Rev Sally Apokis

Rev Sally Apokis

Sally brings to Manningham UC her life’s passion working with local communities, schools and churches across Melbourne and the UK as a children, youth and family minister, teacher and chaplain.

As an ordained deacon taking a vow to minister for peace, justice and reconciliation these goals provide grounding and the guiding light for her work with the Manningham community. Sally is a ‘people person’ who loves nothing more than hearing and enjoying the stories of our lives, families, pets, sport, hobbies, the arts and interests.

She likes to weave the stories of God, faith, spirituality, justice and our questions, sadnesses and joys with everyday life as she leads and cares for our community.

Sally is married to Con, they have 3 adult children and 2 beautiful grandsons.
Sally is an associate member of the Iona community and a long suffering Blues supporter!

Playgroup Coordinator
Alison Smith