Together@10 – Pentecost Sunday

Together@10 – Pentecost Sunday

The Together@10 services yesterday to celebrate Pentcost Sunday was a delight! There were doves circling overhead heading flying from the cross symbolising the Holy Spirit from the church leading out to the world. This art installation was a vision of Margaret’s, who cut out over 300 doves to make this happen.

The service was conducted by a team of people who lit candles representing comfort, peace, joy, love, compassion, faithfulness and hope, led music. There was also a modern humourus dramatic reading of the Pentcost story and others who offered guidance at a variety of stations.

People chose to engage in the story of Pentecost either through listening to Swee Ann, draw with chalk on the driveway, make pentecost windsocks, or iced biscuits.

At the conclusion of the stations everyone was drawn back into the auditorium tying together the theme of Pentecost as one community.